Recommended next steps on your Starknet journey

Welcome to the fifth and final installment of the "Hello, Starknet!" quickstart series, the official tutorial for starting your journey as a Starknet developer! 🚀

By now you’ve successfully declared, deployed, and interacted with the HelloStarknet, both on Starknet Sepolia and locally (way to go!). This last installment of the series will therefore list the various next steps you can take on your Starknet journey:

  • If you’re interested in following more hands-on tutorials for Starknet, check out the other guides in this section

  • If you’re interested in diving deep into Starknet’s inner workings, go to Architecture

  • If you’re interested in exploring Starknet’s toolchain, go to Tooling

  • If you’re interested in reviewing Starknet’s specifications, go to Chain information

Good luck! We can’t wait to see the new and innovative things you’ll bring to Starknet 🌟