Account interface function reference


The functions in the table Starknet account interface functions are part of account contracts. Where required, you must include these functions within your account contract. The logic of these functions can be mostly arbitrary, with a few limitations. For information on these limitations, see Limitations on validation.

Table 1. Starknet account interface functions
Function name When required


Always required


Always required. The signatures of __validate__ and __execute__ must be identical.

Two critical validations must happen in __execute__, and their absence can lead to draining of the account’s funds:

(1) assert!(get_caller_address().is_zero())

This asserts that the account’s __execute__ is not called from another contract, thus skipping validations (in later versions we may disallow calling execute from another contract at the protocol level)

(2) assert!(get_tx_info().unbox().version.into() >= 1_u32)

This asserts that the transaction’s version is at least 1, preventing the account from accepting INVOKE v0 transactions. It is critical to explicitly disallow the deprecated v0 transaction type, as v0 transactions assume that the signature verification happens in __execute__, and are thus skipping __validate__ entirely.


Required for the account to be able to send a DECLARE transaction. This function must receive exactly one argument, which is the class hash of the declared class.


Required to allow deploying an instance of the account contract with a DEPLOY_ACCOUNT transaction. The arguments of __validate_deploy__ must be the class hash of the account to be deployed, the salt used for computing the account’s contract address, followed by the constructor arguments.

You can only use the __validate_deploy__ function in an account contract to validate the DEPLOY_ACCOUNT transaction for that same contract. That is, this function runs at most once throughout the lifecycle of the account.


All contracts have a constructor function. It can be explicitly defined in the contract, or if not explicitly defined, the sequencer uses a default constructor function, which is empty.

When the sequencer receives a transaction, it calls the corresponding validation function with the appropriate input from the transaction’s data, as follows:

  • For an INVOKE transaction, the sequencer calls the __validate__ function with the transaction’s calldata as input. The transaction’s calldata will be deserialized to the arguments in the __validate__ function’s signature, it is up to the sender to make sure that the calldata is encoded appropriately according to validate’s signature. After successfully completing validation, the sequencer calls the __execute__ function with the same arguments.

  • For a DEPLOY_ACCOUNT transaction, the sequencer calls the constructor function with the transaction’s constructor_calldata as input (as above, it is expected that the constructor’s calldata successfully deserializes to the arguments in the constructor signature). After the successful execution of the constructor, the sequencer validates the transaction by calling the __validate_deploy__ function.

  • For a DECLARE transaction, the sequencer validates the transaction by calling the __validate_declare__ function.

  • For more information on the available transaction types and their fields, see Transaction types.

  • For more information on the validation and execution stages, see Transaction lifecycle.

Separating the validation and execution stages guarantees payment to sequencers for work completed and protects them from Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.

Limitations on validation

The following validation functions:

  • __validate__, __validate_deploy__, and __validate_declare__.

  • A constructor, when run in a DEPLOY_ACCOUNT transaction (in particular, not when an account is deployed from an existing class via the deploy syscall)

are subject to the following limitations:

  • You cannot call functions in external contracts, only in your account contract.

    This restriction enforces a single storage update being able to invalidate only transactions from a single account. However, be aware that an account can always invalidate its own past transactions by e.g. changing its public key.

    This limitation implies that the fees you need to pay to invalidate transactions in the mempool are directly proportional to the number of unique accounts whose transactions you want to invalidate.

  • The maximum number of Cairo steps in each of the three validation functions is 1,000,000.

  • The get_execution_info syscall behaves differently When raised from one of the validate functions:

    • sequencer_address is set to zero

    • block_timestamp returns the time (in UTC), rounded to the most recent hour.

    • block_number returns the block number, rounded down to the nearest multiple of 100.

  • The following syscalls cannot be called:

    • get_block_hash

    • get_sequencer_address (this syscall is only supported for Cairo 0 contracts).

These limitations are designed to prevent the following DoS attacks on the sequencer:

  • An attacker could cause the sequencer to perform a large amount of work before a transaction fails validation. Two examples of such attacks are:

    • Spamming INVOKE transactions whose __validate__ requires many steps, but eventually fails

    • Spamming DEPLOY_ACCOUNT transactions that are invalid as a result of the constructor or __validate_deploy__ failing.

  • The above attacks are solved by making sure that the validation step is not resource-intensive, e.g. by keeping the maximal number of steps low. However, even if the validation is simple, the following "mempool pollution" attack could still be possible:

    1. An attacker fills the mempool with transactions that are valid at the time they are sent.

    2. The sequencer is ready to execute them, thinking that by the time it includes them in a block, they will still be valid.

    3. Shortly after the transactions are sent, the attacker sends one transaction that somehow invalidates all the previous ones and makes sure it’s included in a block, e.g. by offering higher fees for this one transaction. An example of such an attack is having the implementation of __validate__ checks that the value of a storage slot is 1, and the attacker’s transaction later sets it to 0. Restricting validation functions from calling external contracts prevents this attack.

Invalid transactions

When the __validate__, __validate_deploy__, or __validate_declare__, function fails, the account in question does not pay any fee, and the transaction’s status is REJECTED.

Reverted transactions

A transaction has the status REVERTED when the __execute__ function fails. A reverted transaction is included in a block, and the sequencer is eligible to charge a fee for the work done up to the point of failure, similar to Ethereum.

Implementation reference

Thanks to account abstraction, the logic of __execute__ and the different validation functions is up to the party implementing the account. To see a concrete implementation, see OpenZeppelin’s account component. This implementation adheres to SNIP6, which defines a standard for account interfaces.